Glenn Boulter / Sara Christensen / Serina Erfjord / Bob Levene / Kristoffer Myskja / Magnus Oledal / Hans Christian Skovholt / Markus Soukup/ True Solvang Vevatne
Curated by Petr Svarovsky (CZ) and Ross Dalziel (UK) exploring contemporary artists notions of space with a focus on sound.
Domestic technology in crisis, DIY space-time experiments with ski jumps; unexpected and half-forgotten elemental forces revealed and made audible from the hum drum of daily life and objects… bubbling containers and miniature dams, stone age sound, psychogeographic walks through hacked 16-bit landscapes and the electrical components that support our networked world re-engineered into endless loops of rhythm.
Past Signal .3 (Extract) from Ruth Levene on Vimeo